The wind of change is upon us!
Know all men by these presents, Sang, has the heart that sings, The song has been sang, by the heart that sings, Time is upon us… We must convene the brethren code, We must all honor the call for we have been summoned. For the world is well rid of justice, fairness, equality and love, We live in the age when man offers desire as justification for his crimes in order to accomplish his selfish ends! Better were the days when the mercy of the seas of the life we sail in came not from the weight of coin in our pockets but from the sweat of a man’s brow and the strength of his back alone, you all know this to be true mates. Oppression and servitude speak of twined destinies but should they ever join us to desperation and dictate our course? Nay I say. Leaders charm the masses with promises of a better tomorrow, of a fatter drop of water in the desert, Yet, within they are imprisoned in greed and corruption! Words spoken through prison bars lose their charm, to them I say, ...