Lost in the frenzy, had forgotten to pause for a reality check, Never imagined would be seated on hardwood, The comfort of my cushion a thing of ‘then ages’, The jewel that shone on my crown ripped off! Cold bites less…, You tear my heart into shreds when I stare into your eyes, For a shell to scorn back my sincere look of love! Thou wilt not be bound to aid mine bargains to take you home tonight, Thwart them if u may, am at your mercy. I wouldn’t take the stand and utter a single word in defence, For I be guilty to the fullest letter of my accusations. My eyes well upon the thought of letting my dove fly away, I grind my teeth with the realization that I yet have failed again, I clench my fist and bay for my own blood; punish the guilty conscious! Amour, The quality of mercy is not strain'd, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath, I humble myself to thy flawless beauty – I kneel before thy kind heart, I seek retribution for my inade...