
Showing posts from February, 2012


Mothers are supposed to pick you up and tell you that all will be okay; that’s what mums are supposed to do, They are not supposed to be the cause of your pain; they are supposed to make it go away, They are supposed to hold you and tell you everything is gonna be alright, They are supposed to tell you that thunder is angels bowling, And that it is okay to be afraid of the dark, And that it is not silly to think that there are monsters in your closet; They are to teach you that there are monsters and it is okay to be afraid of them but it is not okay to let them win and it is not okay to be one, And that it is okay if you wanna climb into bed with them just this once because it is scary in the room all alone, They are supposed to say that it is okay to be afraid and they are not to be the thing to be afraid of, And most importantly they are supposed to love you no matter what. A mother is the type who sees there are 4 pieces of pie for 5 people and declares that she i...

Be my Valentine?

Be I a solitary man, on a mission not to be left to my lone thoughts this Valentines, For I fear for my soul, what is left of it, a soul hurt by solitude, Companion be the remedy, so I hear. LONELINESS!… I shiver at the name, and rightly not so? For long have hungered for the affection of a woman by my side, PHEW! These words have been entrenched in me for longer a time, out with it, spoken have I the words at last! On this night, Left alone to my own words… Up in the heavens, the old moon in the arms of the new one looks so appealing. The full moon draws closer by the nights, aye! The skies be lovely tonight, Lovely as the charm of heaven! O this night lures the secrets deep hidden in my heart. My heart is pierced by Cupid, I sing, By a missus, who be a star, lighting the darkness in my heart. My sweet pearl, ‘Ow her beauty disarms me! Such beauty, surely she be one of God’s own creation and not a descendant of those dark creatures, who found their refuge on ...