Be my Valentine?

Be I a solitary man, on a mission not to be left to my lone thoughts this Valentines,
For I fear for my soul, what is left of it, a soul hurt by solitude,
Companion be the remedy, so I hear.

LONELINESS!… I shiver at the name, and rightly not so?

For long have hungered for the affection of a woman by my side,
PHEW! These words have been entrenched in me for longer a time, out with it, spoken have I the words at last!

On this night,
Left alone to my own words…

Up in the heavens, the old moon in the arms of the new one looks so appealing.
The full moon draws closer by the nights, aye!

The skies be lovely tonight,
Lovely as the charm of heaven!

O this night lures the secrets deep hidden in my heart.

My heart is pierced by Cupid, I sing,
By a missus, who be a star, lighting the darkness in my heart.

My sweet pearl,
‘Ow her beauty disarms me!

Such beauty, surely she be one of God’s own creation and not a descendant of those dark creatures, who found their refuge on the Ark,
Such beauty, causes the soil beneath my feet to roil,
Such beauty, yet deadly, so I reckon!

A thousand mens’ fantasies together could not match the contents of such beauty,
The beauty that lie-th within her!

And so innocent to the ways of man she is!

I wouldn’t keep my distance any longer, for my heart burns with words unsaid,
I shall find my courage, for I be less ready to purpose my fear,
Courage not to draw steel against no man, but courage to open my heart and seek her hand for Valentines!

The winds, the tides; they were to renew a man’s faith, for me only she.

My lady,
I do not ask more of you than that which you can deliver.

Receive my modest hand,
Cling not to your soul, let I own it to the bone,
Only, this Vale’s, be mine.

Promises not for material affluence, but the power of a sincere love,
Power that rules the tides and the winds,
Power to ride high between tide and wind!

With goodly amount of satisfaction and personal pleasure,
Shall I, lead your legs along a path full of roses,
A path full of roses be the path on which I shall lead thee.

O this night by the moonlight,
Unveils secrets hidden deep within!

The loveliest of faces are to be seen by moonlight, when one sees half with the eye and half with the fancy!

Still, will you be my Valentine?


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