A LETTER TO MY LADY (I miss you every day)

Sweet silent thoughts, I reminisce my Muse,
These crafted poetic words strip every beauteous thought,
And reserve them as a letter to my lady.

Far, across seas you are,
Your absence debars me the benefit of joy,
Days are oppressive and nights do not ease either,
Each, though enemies to either's reign, do in consent shake hands to torture me,
The one by toil, the other to complain of the absence of your warmth.

The quiet of the nights keeps my drooping eyelids open wide,
My soul's imaginary sight presents thy shadow to my sightless view,
How I envy those who are in favor with their stars and are in the arms of their beloved!
Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars, I miss you every day.

Your eyes have played the painter and have stolen me,
Your body is the frame wherein I am held,
Now see what good those eyes have done,
Those eyes are windows to my heart,
Wherethrough the sun delights to peep, to gaze therein on me.
Those eyes I miss.

You have taken all my loves, my love, taken them all,
I don’t blame you for having taken them all,
I forgave your robbery, gentle thief,
No love, my love, even though you stole all my poverty,
I detest spite, we must not be foes.
Lascivious grace, all my loves are yours, take all.

O, least I forget, let me confess, your heart makes mine whole,
Were it not for thy heart would mine be?
In our two hearts there is but one.
Time would be of no worth were your love not engrafted to this heart,
Without thoughts of your love to entertain, a torment it would be!


  1. This is very captivating T. Have read it several times and I marvel at your creativity.


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