I have been thinking of you,
And the way you make me feel

I'm getting scared now,
Cause these feelings feel so real,
I've always felt it,
But it's never been this strong,
I cannot fall now,
I've got to hold on

When my eyes are on you,
It's so hard to look away

When its time too leave you,
I so badly want to stay.

I want to tell you,
What's running through my head,
But for now I'll just keep it to myself instead,
Cause I want nothing to jeopardize,
The friendship that we created,
And I don't want to be left heartbroken and in tears

I want you to know how I feel,
And that I mean it, sometimes.

I just want to scream it, its real

These words have been bottled up inside,
They explain the feelings I hide,
And the failed times I've tried

I don't know how much longer I will keep this in,
Thinking of ways,
Don't know where to begin,
Deeply confused,
Don't know what to do,
I'll just leave it be, wait and see,
It will happen if it's meant to be.
I have your friendship,
But I really want your heart.

This is tearing me apart,
I don't know what to do,
I just want to be with you,
Make you happy and make you smile

Though times I can't see you for a while,
Its only cause my hearts desires can't be filled.

It's hard to know you're with someone else,
When all I want is you here with me.

I want to show you what this could be,
I don't want to tell you,
I want you to just open up your eyes and see,
I want you to feel it,
The feelings that I feel,
I really want to show them,
These feelings are so real,
But I can't show you,
I probably never will because I want to walk, but your standing still.

These are the feelings inside of me,
That are locked away,
Waiting to be free,
Drowning my heart in misery.


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