Your Father Did Not Belong to Your Mother’s Tribe (Tribe of Love)

Daughter of mine,
The world is so dark without your laughter,
The laughter of a child that lights up a house,
Without you, darkness engulfs us whole,
Your laughter can’t be heard,
All because your father did not belong to your mother’s tribe!

My daughter,
Your father thinks of you every minute of the day,
That’s all he can do, think of how you would have turned out to be,
Dream of just how much he would have treasured swinging you in the air and catch you in his arms,
While you scream in joy and call him ‘papa’
But then my daughter, it is just a dream,
Because your father did not belong to your mother’s tribe!

You, my angel without wings, my daughter,
A pencil and a paper, claim the caresses of your father’s hands in your absence,
As he tells the world tales that he should be telling you,
Telling the world why you were never birthed,
Telling the world why your mother fancies your father no more,
Baby, your father did not belong to your mother’s tribe!

May I ask my daughter?
Can’t one love without terms and conditions?
Why should your father’s last name cause him pain in love?
Should your papa grieve of loss in love because of his lineage?
Answer me daughter of Mutua or should I ask the daughter of Mumbi?
I would wait forever, but you will never speak up, because you were never given breathe,
Because your father did not belong to your mother’s tribe!

Baby, you would have been amazing, just like your papa,
With a soft heart, just like your papa,
A soft heart he got from his papa, your grandpapa,
You would be full of beauty, just like your handsome papa,
Beauty he got from his beautiful mama, your grandmama,
But then baby, your mother’s kinsmen said,
Your father did not belong to your mother’s tribe!

My lady, she who I would have sired,
I dream that one day, a dream dreamt by Martin Luther King Jnr,
And sing just like Adele, that your father will find someone just like you,
But you would not know of these great personalities my girl!
Someone just like you, who will not break your father’s heart,
Just because he is of another tribe!
Someone to be a mother to you my girl,
Someone who will accept your father as of one tribe, the tribe of love!

My princess, of the lineage of the great chief,
The unfair world, not only took your father’s soul,
Your father won’t celebrate your first birthday,
Your father will not keep you warm during the rainstorm,
Your father will not answer your innocent embarrassing questions,
Your father will not scare young boys drooling after you,
Your father will not take you for holidays,
The unfair world stands between you and your father,
Because your father was not of your mother’s tribe!

I miss you, flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood,
This longing!
Your father cries for you baby,
Tears blinden your father and he can’t write no more,
Because you are not here to wipe tears from your father with your smile,
You are not here baby,
Because your father committed a crime of being born out of your mother’s tribe!


  1. love it, absolutely. great my guy

  2. Denkely thanks buddy. Always appreciate when you have time to go through my pieces.

  3. Wonderful creativity Counsel Mugambi. If this is anything to go by, you're a towering man of letters. I have enjoyed and I surely loved the reading.


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