A Lover’s Plight!

A few words from a lover, so he may rest in peace; write what his heart will and when the pen rests, he shall read these words and hopefully ease his way.

Big wonder I struggle with words on this occasion,
A madness of grief blocks my voice, a voice thick with pain,
A queer thought this! Unsettling! Rivers of words have never dried up in me!


If I could protect myself from the sadness in my eyes, if only I could,
Heartache has not been an item in short supply; I have splashed through lakes of it in recent times,
Pain has gnawed at me like a toothless dog,
Days have been grey, bitter cold days without a dawn, with no notion of the hour,
My dreams have been red and savage,
The world has been long dead to me!

And when dawn finally broke; Titus understood all at once where this bile had come from.

Cutting to the heart of the matter, am now convinced I know precious little of affection, if truth be told! I thought I did.

The gods of love have always done me so well, but in late days the gods have a great deal to answer for!
Waking up daily with her words echoing in my ears,
Dreaming of her whispers in the morning,
Seeing her face all day,
Every text, every call I hope it’s hers,
Every song reminds me of her,
Every poem I write, I write for her,
With every step I gravely miss her affection, her passion.

gods be good, please, be kind, put my heart at rest,
All I want is to lie down, to close my eyes and sleep, and pray no dreams will knock,
And I know I will sleep fitfully, haunted no more by formless dreams of soar love.

I shall light a candle to the Father Above; a second to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, who let the spark of romance into the world when she peered through the door of loneliness; and a third to the Holy Mother, for me and all the lovers I have lost and to The One out there for me.


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