Opening wounds long turned into scars.

Resurrection in love, a belief that rekindles my spirits,
Death of love, an inconsequential end, rather a second beginning.

Resurrection in love, the very idea so seductive a concept,
Be it easy to forget the torment through hell before one can rise from the dead,
And truth to fore, I have had my paradise through hell.

Stumbled through, beat my path through hell,
Ever falling down, falling endlessly but never hitting the ground, just falling forward and forward.

Hurt so much I had to stop, stop and relive my journey,
Would be running still if my will was stronger,
So drained to forge another step.

Streams of tears have blurred my vision and barred my way,
The toil lesser a hustle, hardest be it to show a smile knowing it is fake and to hide the tears that won’t seize.

Sadly, I have lost the fight, better reminiscence the little left of a memory,
I miss them moments more than I thought I would.

The forest of love has been my castle,
The reality of the wilderness relinquishes my resolve.

It is said a bad relationship can make one never want to fall in love again,
Yet, once in love, those feelings never leave.

Fate was the lone word, the word behind the excuse as to why hell was my next destination.

Would you have me believe that it is destiny and dismiss the role of freewill?
Would, then, fate prevail over self determination?

Bitter truth be, the only part of destiny we can control is the fate we choose for another, and mine you chose.

I know at heart I may no longer be of appeal, but I will always care from a safer distance.

Living in dreams is the passion I indulge in, for this way I will never hurt,
And last night I had a dream, I dreamt that I was swimming with the stars up above,
And I let the river take course, and peacefully I rode,
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship.


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