Is it well with my soul?

My heart is stirred by a noble theme, not in part but in whole, as my tho'ts are ensnared by my verses,
My fingers, the pen of a skilful writer,
I proclaim my heart in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips,
And share shall I my cup of lamentations!

My soul is downcast within me,
See how deserted lies this humble heart of mine,
Once so full of youth,
How like a widow she now be,
Who once was jubilant!

Joy is gone from my heart,
My dancing has turned to mourning,
Because of this, my beat is faint,
And my light has long grown dim.

The ear tests the words as the tongue tastes food,
And listen keenly did I to every word she said; Am in disbelief,
I may lack in many but wise I am in my own estimation.

I am the man tho has suffered affliction by the rod of her wrath,
Hers waves and breakers swept over me,
Deep voices, too deep than the roar of waterfalls, 'sweeten' my night,
Calm is no longer found,
Bitterly I weep at night!

I fear her affection will melt off in time,
Like a slug melting away as it moves along,
I shatter upon the dawning that she may soon be long gone,
May such days like a stilborn child, never see the sun!

Even so,
I place hope in my heart, like a shield on a fighter's arm,
Desperation shall I bear no more,
For in soon days shall triumph resound once more.

For love is as strong as death,
Its jealousy unyielding as the grave,
It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
Neither can rivers wash it away.

Awaken my soul! Awake, for dawn is upon us. Awake, be well my soul.


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