With Faith…for Faith

Up here, seated on my balcony, at times feels like a god living atop the highest mountain in the world,
But I wonder, does a god feel so lonely? It must, surely. Being a lone god is lonely, not so?

I could pretend that am not lonely but I would be constantly lying to myself,
I am able to close my eyes but my heart is not stupid.

Well, lemonade is made out of lemons, not so?
Times like these are kinder for a few fantasies,
Dreams of a kinder company once in a while, perhaps?

Thus I cast my eyes to the skies and savor the tranquility of the night,
Though not so lovely a sight to behold tonight,
The moon be black tonight, swimming lazily across the heavenly sea.

Better I get lost in my flurry of thoughts.
And like a bout, they spin me in circles, like a rat chasing its tail.

Smiles, smiles and more smiles, a smiley gent some make me,
Some subject mine heart to flutters, like a bird in a trap,
Others fill my being with thrums of excitement bereaving me of words.

With faith, am moved to trade whispers of such,
Whispers of the paradise of thoughts in my head.

I have danced with a sweet thing in my fantasies,
With her body close to mine and she brushed her lips with mine,
For a kiss warmer than spring,
Have dreamt of it, that kiss, have dreamt of it some nights.

Her fingers, soft and fragrant,
Squeeze my shoulders, closer and tighter to bond with hers.

With faith,
Courage builds in my heart and plants seeds of fire in my eyes,
Cheered on by confidence, that perchance we are of the same mind with this sweet thing.

We sail with the sweet thing across the finest oceans of moments,
On our way to find the key to our emotions.

By faith,
She and I, together we will move the clouds of love to brighter days.

With every sway along the beats,
I know this chemistry between us is growing stronger.

By faith, with faith, for faith… a fancy might come to pass someday.


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