FARE THEE WELL (dedication to departing fourth year poets!)

Sweet words mine lips utter,
And I mesmerize the crowds with the nectar of words flowing from my lips.

Be fooled less,
Within me, the music I sooth thee withal,
Is the howling of a night owl frustrated by the seclusion of the night!
A lonely me…

But tonight, my pains shall be shared only with my heart.

Away you set forth,
On a journey to a place unknown,
Impossible for me to straighten my palm and wish you well,
My hand heavy like the love you have shown.

I close my eyes to fight the torture of staring at your back as you walk,
Instead, I vision your inspirational self glowing in the dark reading to me,
Your artistic words that sprung from your tongue, I shall miss.

What agony thou departure inflicts to me!

Touch me once more,
Breathe your poetic phrases once more,
That lay calm to the sandstorms of my troubled heart,
Give me life I beg,
And fill this void your departure leaves.

How I wish that every moment shared with you came back to the wheels of time,
And every moment froze,
That I may incarnate thee into my mortal heart,
That my need for you be quenched

A step further, away from me,
Like a train slowly gaining speed,
Till the feel of you becomes a thing of the past!

Promise you I do,
Thoughts of you shall help me row to the shores of artistic paradise!
Fare thee well.


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