Up in the air!

Purposeful life! Challenging life! Frustrating life!
BUT fulled by an unyielding spirit.
Life a running clock, yet a basket of unsolved equations,
Yet to find mine X,
Still struggling amidst the quicksand!
My ambitions fit the bill to a perfect world,
My purpose mh! Applause!
The fear of mortality a cut-throat in my endeavour,
The straps of my back-pack (my commitments) cut in my shoulders!
A savior come along,
Take me when am most fragile and set me adrift,
Make limbo tolerable for me,
Ferry my wounded soul across the river of dread to the point where hope is dimly visible,
Stop the boat, shove me in the water and make me swim, defying all currents,
Let me look into your eyes and feel you staring in my soul and let the whole world go quiet just for a sec,
Hatch me from my cocoon of self banishment,
Oil me with nourished aspirations and be my ‘flying horse’,
Ride with me up in the air, off to the night and free my soul so I may dance with the winds,
And tonight,
When the stars will forth from their day time hiding places,
One of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest will be my wing tape.
…passing over!


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