My Very First!

Now what is it that am trying to do here? I wonder. I do not know. But let me go on maybe I’ll find out where I am headed along the way.

You see, I found myself lying flat on my tummy reading a friend’s blog, Kiriga III is his name- actually his blog name, he got another name from a tongue I can identify with. Yes, a name from the land of Green Gold…Past that, this is not about him though he may well be part of it.

Am loving the baby steps am making, though I keep tumbling over but am learning to walk straight, or so I think.

This position on my tummy is a lil uncomfortable so I have to adjust to a sitting position and nurse my babe (read laptop) on my lap. Did you notice I said ‘a lil’? It is the shot form of ‘a little’. I learnt that from 50 Cent. You know his song ‘Just a Lil Bit’? Imagine back in high school, I once sang (or attempted to) the lyrics of that song and a pal of mine was like, “Yaani Tito pia wewe unayuanga hiyo song. Singeimagini!” Yeah! That should give you an insight as to how remote my high school was. I used this word, ‘remote’ because I didn’t want to portray the true nature of my high school. It was pathetic! There I said it! Pathetic! Notice the Swahili used? And somebody mesmerized that am among the ‘few’ who can struggle to make out the words of a gangster rap? I hope you could have heard the accent man! But the part where we used to play basket ball was awesome. And the wonderful friends I made, really good friends, friends who can die for me, friends I can die for, my brothers. Basket ball and friends, the only treasures from my former high school.

…Oooh AND 1! Oh, pardon me. You know when am all alone in the room I love to have the radio tuned on because it keeps me company. In the afternoons I prefer 98.4 F.M. So today I hear this advertisement that the guys-the kings of street ball -are gonna be in Kenya come 11th this month. Calendar check, it’ll be next Saturday! Can’t attend. Won’t attend! No can’t! DAMMIT! And why? On Monday I’ll be having exams. I gotta revise [Na kwani ‘gotta’ is not an English word! Microsoft Office 2007 just put that read zigzag line under it. For the benefit of Microsoft minded people it is ‘got to’… I’ve got to revise]. Come to think of the exams! EH! And here I am lost in my own world, thinking of nothing at all…at least nothing examy (King Julian from Penguins of Madagascar taught me that you can add ‘-y’ to a word and come up with a beautiful word. King Julian once said “…come up with something sciency…”)
Now Cess, Maqbul and that other guy-the chairman of Rugby, I can’t get the name of the body, will confirm later- are talking about rugby, about this game tomorrow between Kenya’s 15s and the South Africans. These South Africans have a funny name for their team, trust me it is hard. I almost bit my tongue trying to pronounce the first name starting with an ‘M’ followed by a ‘P’ somewhere in the middle though the second word is Pumas. These South Africans have two names! If names could score, they could already have 2 Tries! Who loves Rugby? Hands up. Put that hand down, this is no nursery or prima class!

…Back tooooooooo… what? Oh I got it…

…thinking of nothing at all instead of revising for P.I.L i.e. Public International Law. And the lecturer for this unit (he got a name like a political party F.D.P. Situma, Ph.D. Imagine that name! Reminds me of P.L.O Lumumba with a name almost similar to Palestinian Labour Organization) Anyway, this lecturer is having a class in the next 22 minutes, for 3 solid hours-he always says so and he lives up to his word- up to 8.30 P.M! I stand corrected, not his class. He could not utilize his Saturday classes to finish the syllabus on time and now he wants to steal Tuesday from me too! I said steal because ever since he started coming on Saturdays I forgot whether Saturday is usually a weekend. Classes from 2.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M every Saturday. Imagine that! Plus he also started coming on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons. At least that coming on Sundays gave me one more reason to add to the many as to why I don’t attend mass on Sundays-don’t ask how, but trust you me, I make it a very strong point when I defend myself- And imagine mum calling me on a Sunday afternoon and I cancel her call then later I call BEEP her and after she calls I tell her I was in class! I bet when people are around her she has to repeat it so that they may know that her son is so serious in Law School. What with him attending classes even on a Sunday! I only hope she won’t get to see that Criminal II grade on my transcript! But that was the doing of that crazy lecturer, Dr. Gachuki. Those who are victims of him concur. Nod your head if you in favour… thank you for the support, I appreciate very much. Moving on…and after the F.D.P is done after the 3 hours, you are mentally incapacitated! What with all that writing and his not so pleasing peep below those horn-rimmed glasses, his bald head and that pot-belly! Were I a lady… And imagine he got a wife! Let’s leave it at that, I don’t want to think that he has children especially girls and maybe they have some of his features…! Remember an apple does not fall far from the tree? But the Prof has so much knowledge about International Law. I wanna be like him someday (knowledge wise). That’s why I do attend those agonizing classes and write good notes. May be I’ll refer to them when I am ‘Your Excellency’ at the I.C.J or head of Kenyan Diplomatic Mission somewhere out there after retiring from the Armed Forces with a lot of decorations. Somewhere out there may be The Maldives or Nauru in the South Pacific or the Republic of Kiribati or The Principality of Monaco or The Holy See (after I have served a few years as a priest. I plan on going to the seminary someday. When? I don’t know!).

So, I have to think about that class…Briton shut up. That’s my good friend Orlando-taste his ugali, you will want no other- Briton has just come in and he is making noise as he prepares himself some hot chocolate and I can’t concentrate. You see am trying to finish this post-my first ever prose! Sample my poems and you will know where all my writing skills have been harnessed to. Now he is…Briton shut up! I’ll talk about him some other day. For now, I have to wind up immaturely and run to class.

Lastly, the main reason why I made up my mind to sit and try writing prose is because of this inspiration I got from Kiriga III, The Lawschooler, CerealInABox, Denkely…these are the best writers I have met in my few days in the Arts Club. So inspirational and I mean each and every letter of that word-INSPIRATIONAL. There are ors (short form for ‘others’. If you are not a learned friend in the noble profession I indulge you) too. Great talented writers I have met in the Arts Club. I’ll write about them some other day if I can pull some of my prowess from poetry to prose.

Shit! 5.26 P.M a class in 4 minutes. I’ll be late! Peace people!


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