The Treasures of love!

Budding love is like a seed growing slowly into a flower,
Young love is like a storm rising, getting stronger with every hour.

How often during those days,
Do people, like beasts of burden plough,
Slaving to smoothen the sands of loneliness to the fineness of companionship,
Bearing the York, least to say, bearing the stamps of persuasion.

To the hallowth grounds of a lover’s heart does a man limb,
Forging the greatest weapons in promises and gifts,
Ever with a view to lure the allegiance of a lover,
And in the gutters scheme against insatiable competitors who compromise his efforts to win a fair lady.

In the end,
The soul cherishes the scars suffered in the confrontations,
The whispers of a loved one soothes the soul,
The universe forgotten during nights when a pair grooves into the wee hours of the night, disturbing the solitude of the ghosts of the night!
The feel of a treasured one every morning lying by your side…
Every given morning…

Say I more of The Treasures of Love?
Of knowing that there is another by your side to reduce your baggage?
Appreciating the partner at the wake of a smile?
Having tender fingers run through your hair to ease the weariness of a busy day?
Having a hero when there are no more heroes?
Never being alone…
Talk of the beauty of love!


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