Manifold thoughts of ‘we’ gnaw upon my calm,
Forcing down the walls I erected for my comfort.

The tunnel to my chamber of love has since grown cobwebs and pitch dark,
I only treasure souvenirs of how you used to clean it often with your affection.

The ‘off-world’ of happiness, ages since I last set foot,
Only in my occasional 9th dreams does my face glow,
When you grace my fantasies,
When my thirst for you is only quenched by a drop, a flash of your presence.

Gloom has been my saddle,
On which each sunrise to sunset I ride,
Humping up the mountainous ride in search.

In search of where the fields are green and plane,
So I may pitch camp,
And hymn tunes known only to your ears,
And hope the spirits shall miss the beat to the songs,
The beat of your heart as you lie next to me.

And away I shall wish the spirits,
To wing through space when the grounds are conquered by your suitors,
To swim along the rivers when the paths to you are barricaded by the bile of our bitter past,
And this flower, spirits do present to her.

Sooth her that she may set sail with you,
I shall kneel and offer my prayers in sacrifice,
That the waters be still, the depths of the seas be appeased,
So you may safely and in peace sail.

In your heart you shall find the guide to my destination,
Where only our shadows, our whispers, our breathes and our footsteps are audience,
To our secret haven,
Where only we are wary of.


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